It's that wonderful time again. A time to get together with all of your long time friends and former classmates. A time to remember past Teachers, Homecomings and High School Sweethearts.
High School. It was a time to remember. A time to cherish...A time you will never forget. A time that defined who we are and a time that molded all of us into the budding young adults we are today. It was a special time back then. We lived in two worlds. High School and the rest of the world!
As you look ahead now toward your class reunion, let me ask you something. Do you remember what the news headlines were when you were a Freshman? A Sophomore? A Junior? A Senior? How about each year's Academy Award winning movies? What about each year's Hit Songs, top TV Shows, Major Sports results, or the prices of Food and Housing? These are also important parts of your High School journey and should be included as part of your special celebration. These moments in time belong to you and your classmates and should not be forgotten. They are a part of you, your classmates and your unique special time.
Prints Charming has created just for your class... a very special Keepsake!
Prints Charming has created a beautiful Class Reunion Print for each member of your class. These prints are ready to be framed and are guaranteed to be a treasured lifetime momento for every individual attending your 2003 class reunion party.
Every classmate will receive a personalized lithograph print that will include the classmate's name, the school's name, and a page full of school memories. Each print will include the top news stories from your Graduation month, as well as news headlines from your entire Graduation year. But we do not stop there! Each print will also include a list of the years Academy Award winning movies, the popular songs, the hit TV shows, and the years major sports results. We even include nostalgic information about the price of food and housing
To make your keepsake even more special, we go beyond your senior year! Your print will include information highlighting the world as it was when you and your classmates were Juniors, Sophomores and (if applicable) Freshmen. (Some schools do not include Freshmen as a part of High School). These are very beautiful high quality prints. They will last a lifetime. Our pictures on this page do not do them justice. We have millions of satisfied customers world wide. Your satisfaction is guaranteed!
We have three prints to choose from. Two are 8 X 10 and one is 8 1/2 X 11. The two 8 X 10 prints are featured on this page. Our 8 1/2 X 11 print may be viewed by clicking on the "Platinum Prints" link on the menu to the left. Remember... "These Prints Are Not Available In Stores Anywhere"!
Memories for a lifetime... only $4.99 each. No Minimum Order Required!
Make your Class Reunion even more unforgettable. Share with your classmates special moments that may otherwise be forgotten. These high quality prints will be cherished forever and will be a lasting keepsake of the special time you shared together. These prints are available for the low price of $4.99 each plus .50 cents each for shipping and handling. There is no minimum order required. We do however offer the following shipping and handling cost reduction for orders placed totaling 50 prints or more. Shipping and handling charges for orders totaling 50 prints or more will be a flat rate fee of $20.00 no matter how large the order. Although these completed prints are very beautiful by themselves, we do offer each individual student an option of having his/her name beautifully embossed in Gold or Silver Foil. (You would have to see this option in order to fully appreciate it's true beauty). This option is available for any student who requests it for an additional charge of $2.00 per print. We will also laminate a print if a student requests it for $1.00 per print. If you would like more information about our exciting "Class Reunion Special" please contact us by clicking on the "Contact Us" link on the bottom of this page and we would be happy to answer any questions or assist you in setting up this fantastic program.
The Class Reunion prints shown on this page as well as all of their features and highlights are applicable and may be purchased for College Class Reunions as well as High School Class Reunions.