It's that wonderful time of the year again. A time for bright eyed youngsters to dust off their soccer shoes, put air in the soccer ball and look forward in anticipation to the beginning of this year's soccer season.
Soccer is a favorite sport of many children. Children of all ages just can't seem to get enough of it and if given the opportunity most would play this very popular sport the whole year round.
Participating in a youth soccer league season is a magical time for youngsters. No other sports season draws as much fascination from children as the youth soccer league season does. Children love soccer so much that most will be left at the end of the season wishing for more.
Prints Charming has created just for your Soccer participants...a very special Keepsake!
Prints Charming has created a beautiful Personalized Soccer Print for each participant of your 2002 Youth Soccer League. These prints are ready to be framed and are guaranteed to be a treasured lifetime momento for every individual participating in your 2002 Youth Soccer League season. Every 2002 Soccer participant will receive a personalized lithograph print that will beautifully display the participant's first name, their name's country of origin, their name's meaning and the flattering personality traits associated with their name. Each print will also include the player's Birthday, Birth Sign, and the player's Horoscopic information that will include the player's individual lifelong lucky numbers. As a finishing touch to honor the player, a personal message will be Included at the bottom of this masterpiece. This personal message will be printed free of charge and may be any message the orderer chooses. It could be from the player's parents, the player's coach, or from the sponsoring soccer association itself commemorating the soccer participant's season
These are very beautiful high quality prints that will last a lifetime. Our pictures on this page do not do them justice. We have millions of satisfied customers world wide. Your satisfaction is guaranteed.
Prints Charming has two 8 1/2 X 11 prints to choose from. Pink for girls and blue for boys. Remember...
these prints "Are Not Available In Stores Anywhere"!
Memories for a lifetime... only $4.99 each
Make your 2002 Youth Soccer Season even more unforgettable. Reward your Soccer participants or make this offer available to them so that they may have this golden opportunity to own one of these original masterpieces. These high quality prints will be cherished forever and will be a lasting keepsake of the 2002 season they shared together. These prints are available for the low price of $4.99 each plus .50 cents each for shipping and handling. There is no minimum order required. Although these completed prints are very beautiful by themselves, we do offer individual players the option of having his/her name beautifully embossed in Gold or Silver Foil. (You would have to see this option in order to fully appreciate it's true beauty). This option is available for any soccer participant who requests it for an additional charge of $2.00 per print. We will also laminate a print if a player requests it for $1.00 per print.
If you would like more information about our exciting "Youth Soccer League Program" please contact us by clicking on the "Contact Us" link on the bottom of this page and we would be happy to answer any questions or assist you in setting up this fantastic program.
E-mail us and request a free sample print today! For subject enter "Youth Soccer League Program"